January 02, 2018

5 Blog Resolutions I Want To Achieve In 2018

Happy New Year!

I'm not sure if 'blog resolutions' are a thing anymore but this year I want to make some that I can hopefully stick to and by the end of 2018 be able to tick them all off as completed. 2017 was a bad year for my blog, I just had no time for it what so ever and even though I did miss it when I went to sit down to write something, something else would come up and so it would be put on the long finger. This year however I want to make time for it, last year for my birthday I deliberately bought a MacBook for the reason of getting back into blogging so I'm not allowing anything to hold me back from this moment on!

1. Blog Posts
I'm going to be good and not push myself nor give myself unrealistic goals, I'm trying to be realistic with myself so that I hopefully can stick to my resolutions. So in 2018 I want to post at least one blog post a week. If I can post more than one a week thats great but I'm limiting myself to having to post at least one every week. I feel like it's a pretty realistic goal to set, even though I work full time (huge props to ya'll who work full time and still blog every day / every other day) I feel like to write up one blog post a week is pretty do-able. I'm basically not allowing myself to come up with any excuses really, I mean there is 7 days in a week surely I have the time. Last August I even bought myself a MacBook because I was using the excuse of 'I want to be able to lay on my bed and watch tv while blogging instead of sitting at my desk on my iMac"...so really there are definitely no valid excuses for me. 

2. Instagram
While Instagram isn't as popular as it used to be because of the algorithm I still use it just because I love taking photos and it's the only kinda website I can upload them too and not be spamming people because they rarely show in peoples timelines until 4 days later but that aside. I want to continue uploading on Instagram but I also want to work on my engagement, I'll hold my hand up in saying that I am so bad when it comes to replying to comments on my posts I don't know why I think just sometimes I don't really know what to be saying. This year though I want to change that and reply to every possible comment I receive on my photos. 

3. Venture out to different social media platforms
So we all just about have an account on every social media platform going but do we actually use them all? This year I'd like to venture out a bit, while I already have accounts I want to start a fresh and get into using Pinterest and Facebook for my blog. I was obsessed with Pinterest in 2016 but come 2017 I just kind of forgot all about it so I want to start back onto that again. Since starting a blog I have been terrified of making a facebook page for it, I think it's the thoughts of my family members finding it (I know I'm approaching 4 years of having a blog and have still never told family about it, but I am very casual when people I know in real life mention it like friends and colleagues etc.) however although talking to fellow bloggers about it they have said it's quite tedious to gain traffic from but it's definitely something I want to give a shot. 

4. Create a working space area
So I just didn't really know what to call this, I have a 'blogging area' at my desk with my iMac, since getting my MacBook I've kind of abandoned it and have just been sitting on my bed with it. So I want to get back into sitting at my desk with my organisers and diaries and use my iMac for some of my Blog work, even if it's just to write up a post and then I do everything else on my MacBook. But for something of that price it's kind of going to waste sitting there and I do still adore it and in reality this is quite a silly resolution...just wanting to use my iMac more but it is something I really want to get back in to doing. 

5. Get a whole new blog look
So I would say for the past two years my blog has looked the way it does now with a few little changes here and there every now and then. This year I want a total re-brand, usually people do this within the first few weeks of the new year and in my mind I would have loved to have done that too but I haven't found the right blog layout yet and I'm not entirely sure what I want on my header. I'm still obsessed with how 'me' my current header is so I really want one like that but totally different but have it still represent everything I love, so hopefully I start getting some ideas about that soon. 

And there you have it, 
my 5 blog resolutions for 2018, fingers crossed I can stick to them all and achieve them 


  1. You have some good resolutions! I don't really have any goals as such except to continue writing about what I love writing about - if that makes sense haha! I don't know if this will help, but sometimes I just change the font of my header and keep the same transparents for a fresh change :)


  2. I'm very thankful for this post. I'm very greatful to watch movies online with my friends.
