October 08, 2017

Pure Potions Skincare - The Skincare Brand Perfect for Eczema Prone Skin

Something I really enjoy is skincare products that are all natural. My thought process on this is I've spent the day with all sorts of chemicals on my face wearing makeup and just generally being outside that when I take it all off I love to have something that I know has no bad ingredients in it and just treat my skin.

Over the past two months I've introduced four new products from Pure Potions and I'm finally ready to share my thoughts about each one. 

So starting with my skin I have dry skin and when I get stressed I get these red inflamed patches of really dry skin just above my lip and it hurts. Changing and swapping skincare items also irritates my skin and more times than I'd like to admit I end up either breaking out because of it or have some sort of reaction to the change of my routine. So this always leaves me skeptical about trying new products but sometimes you just gotta say hey ho lets give it a go.

So when I received this little surprise package from Pure Potions I was so intrigued because it was especially for people prone to very dry skin, psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis. So with this is mind I knew everything in it was going to have to be extremely nourishing and moisturising to the skin. 

Starting with the Bath and Body Emollient Oil*. So this can be used in the bath by simply dropping a few drops into the water and swishing it about or you can apply it straight to wet skin to help lock in moisture which is how I've been using this. I've been absolutely loving this especially after shaving my legs as it helps them stay moisturised so you don't end up with that horrible itchy feeling after shaving them. It also leaves your skin feeling so soft I've already used half the bottle! What I have found with this though is a little goes a very long way and it really does last a long time which is so great. I've also been moisturising my arms with it after the shower just to keep the skin smooth and nourished. You can also use this product on your face which I really like because 9 times out of 10 when something is marketed as a 'body' product you usually cannot use it on your face. 

The Daily Moisturising Cream* I've been so good with and have been using it every single day since receiving it and I am absolutely loving it. Since I've been using this I have found that my skin hasn't been as dry as it usually would and it feels really soft. I've also been using this as my face moisturiser too and because it's not perfumed it doesn't irritate my skin at all which is such a win. Changing over to this from my usual moisturiser I was expecting to have a few breakouts but to my surprise my skin didn't re-act at all which made me super happy!

Something that I was very inquisitive about was the Intensive Moisturising Ointment*. As I mentioned when I get stressed I get this little patch of extremely dry skin over my lip and it's usually very sore and nothing really kills it off. Usually I just have to let it run it's course and pile on the concealer and colour corrector. However this is my new favourite product. When I would see signs of the patch starting to show I'd pop this on and by the next morning it was like it never even happened which has made me so happy. I've been suffering with this since I was a teenager and no matter what I used nothing would work so I'm so excited to have finally found something that actually helps and works quickly. 

Finally my favourite product of all, the Skin Salvation Scalp Oil*. Okay so I suffer with a very dry itchy scalp like it's actually the most annoying thing in the world. I use the likes of Head and Shoulders and sometimes it works but other times I feel like I'm just wasting money on it because it does nothing. Anyways this Oil couldn't have come into my life at a better time because it's exactly what my scalp needed. So it's recommended that you apply this onto your scalp and leave it overnight which is what I've been doing and my lord have I seen a huge difference in my scalp. Gone is the harsh tight feeling and it feels quite moisturised and tmi but there doesn't seem to be any flakiness either which is amazing. I've literally been using this three times a week over the past two months and I've been using it very generously. So I'm near the end of the product however I'll definitely be picking up another bottle because it's amazing. 
They also do a shampoo range for the same problems which I definitely think I'm going to have to pick up and give a try.

I had seen Pure Potions products before but actually thought it was for for Eczema prone skin and thats all who could use it but gosh was I wrong. I actually cannot believe I've walked past this brand so many times before without picking something up. I absolutely adore all four products and love the fact that they contain natural ingredients knowing theres nothing harsh in them. 

You can find out more about Pure Potions on their website here!

Have you tried anything from Pure Potions Skincare?

*This post contains PR samples, all opinions are 100% my own. Find out more about my Disclosure here.


  1. These sound great, haven't heard of this brand before

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  2. I suffer from really bad hand eczema, so I'm definitely going to keep my eye out for this brand!

    Sara - Flemingo
