February 07, 2016

Faking It As A Blogger || What I See vs What You See

Blogging vs Reality
By now we all know how easy it is too fake things on social media, it is the internet after all. While we all dream of having the perfect Instagram worthy life and being able to take a selfie and be happy with the first one it's very easy to fake things, and as a blogger of course I fake things! For example the picture above, my desk never looks this neat and tidy and you can bet all the crap that was on it before this picture was taken was just put on the floor. So for this post I thought I'd share some easy ways 'to fake it'. Things such as backgrounds, instagram posts etc which I've been asked about quite a lot so hopefully you'll find your answer here!


Lets start with backgrounds shall we, how about the ever so famous marble background we all dream of having. You know that one that you see on Blogs that makes you want to drool. Well I certainly cannot afford a marble table and nor do I actually have use for it so why not fake it! Talking to other bloggers I've found most of them have ordered an adhesive marble sticker and then proceeded to stick it to a flat surface. I wanted a marble background but I didn't want to have to wait so I proceeded to google images and printed out a photo!
This was printed out A4 size with a white border around it to show you that it is infact a piece of paper. This works great for product close ups etc and you could never tell that it's just a piece of paper, well you can now because you know what it is but I doubt you ever looked at the below picture and said "aah yes, thats a piece of paper".
 This works for the ever so famous wood background aswell. We all don't have fancy distressed wooden floors and if you can't get your hands on a tile sample like I can't just print a photo out! It works the exact same way as the marble does. Once you find a good quality photo on the internet theres no stopping you! Anytime you've seen a photo here on Darling Jordan it's been this piece of paper and the same goes for my Instagram. I simply just set it down on a flat surface which is currently a box and put it on my bed so it will get the best light. Here is what I actually see when I'm taking a photo not so glamorous looking but once you've edited your photo etc it's pretty glam!

Instagram Posts

When it comes to Instagram we have to amp it up a bit, lets be honest because it looks a lot more pretty than taking a selfie in your food stained tee with your hair scrapped up into a bun while eating a tub of ben and jerry's watching Pretty Little Liars trying to figure out who uber A is! Personally when it comes to Instagram, the photos I'm sharing have more than likely been taken a week before and if you see me saying "getting ready to face the day" or "putting on my makeup" theres a 99.9% chance that's a lie and in fact I'm just sat at my iMac watching 2 Broke girls! Because lets face it the photo on the left looks much more appealing than the photo on the right...AMIRIGHT!?
But of course there is nothing wrong with faking these things because it's not hurting anyone! If marble backgrounds and white styled photos are your thing you do you, if your thing is more taking photos of your messy room and selfies at 4am when you haven't slept yet you do you too! Being a blogger or having a pretty Instagram feed doesn't have to cost you anything as you can simply fake it with things already in your house. Just because what you see on someone's Instagram post or blog post doesn't mean it's necessarily real and more than likely it's been posed or made pretty etc. We all like to make it look as if our life's are a little more luxury than they actually are. But trust me there ain't nothing pretty or luxury looking about a girl glued to her iMac in her pyjama's and hair up with dark circles under her eyes trying to edit every single Instagram photo the same as the other, quite frankly it's more The Ring looking than Disney Princess. ;)

What do you fake on your Blog/Instagram, anything I haven't mentioned?

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  1. I use a marble chopping my mum had as my background haha


  2. Great post, I love you honesty! Printing out textures and patterns on paper is such a top tip, thanks for sharing! :-) xx

    Helen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog

  3. This is so true! I have a big piece of cardboard with wallpaper on it and use that as my background.

    Emma | Emmys Beauty Cave | Bloglovin

  4. I use marble adhesive! I think every blogger has one tidy corner of a room which they use for blogging! Haha the rest of my room is a mess!xx

    1. Yes!! definitely mines always a mess except for one part where I take my photos haha x

  5. Love this post - printing out a marble background to use for photos is genius, never even crossed my mind! Thanks for sharing xo

    Sharan | essehearts.com

  6. Love this post! Backgrounds are such a good idea, I may have to print myself out one or two haha. Great tips!
    xo Kiki

  7. This is such a good idea for instagram and blog photos! I always struggle to find nice backgrounds - I'm already browsing for nice images to print out!


    1. Haha :') I currently have a folder full to print :) x

  8. I have one of those blogger pencil cases, ha! This is so clever; I have marble adhesive paper, but sometimes I get an unwanted shine with it! I'd never thought of printing backgrounds xx

    Laura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle

    1. Haha can't not have one ;) Definitely give it a try as you won't get any shine off it :) x

  9. Yeah I'm definitely the same! I do think/hope that my followers take it with a pinch of salt and realise I'm only sharing the highlights and am trying to just create something aesthetically pleasing :) xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. Totally agree, it is nice to know there is an actual reality behind it all :) x

  10. This was really helpful, I never thought of printing backgrounds out! x


  11. This idea is amazing! Can you believe I haven't done that? But I'll do it soon! Have a great week, Jordan! xx

    Ale | www.alemint.net

    1. You'll love it because it's so easy to change up your backgrounds then :) Thank you lovely and the same to you! x

  12. Haha it's so true! It's too dark to take "makeup of the day" picks so I take mine all at once, then use the pics all week! 9/10 I am in bed when I post, it's a big lie - but I don't mind lol!


  13. Excellent post, love your honesty! XX p.s I have the marble sticky back paper haha

  14. Loved this post, so true! My instagram and blog photos definitely use a bit of artistic licence as well, the background I use are generally free samples from b and q and like you I'll just move the mess from my desk to the floor when taking pictures! I don't think there's anything wrong with sharing edited and cropped pictures though, to be honest in beauty blogging I think its probably the norm :) xx

    1. Forever moving the mess out of the frame :') Thank you for reading lovely :) x

  15. Incredible! It's so great to see that we're all making our lives seem a lot more glamorous than they are - and you're right, it's not hurting anyone! Molly x

  16. Loving that post ! we all (more or less ) faking it anyway ! It s great to see that you re being honest with it mind you I never hiding it ! I don't own a white wood floor or marble etc . Th eonly thing that annoyed me a bit sometimes it s peoples taking picture of their breakfast and they put rose petals etc all around their bowl of porridge which I find it a bit too much . Faking it to take picture of make up its different in my opinion.


  17. You're a genius, how the hell have I not thought of just PRINTING OUT THE BACKGROUND. Woah, mind blown, be prepared to see my future instagram having new backgrounds hahaha
    Love this post, it's so true I'll take a few snapshots here and then to use in a few days time because like you I'm in my pj's, no makeup and totally watching PLL haha!

    Rai | utterardour.blogspot.com

  18. I can honestly say I've never thought of printing out a background! Genius! I've been using a lacy sort of background for a lot of my photos lately and it's actually just a lace shirt I had lying around.


  19. Haha love it. I just like to think that bloggers are able to be creative about the way they show others the products they use. I just grab all the things that I'll usually have in front of me and lay them out messily (but nicely) and snap a photo. And of course throw in some marble and little decor to spice it up.

    Cindy | www.cindyhyue.com

  20. This has been really inspiring to read, I was worried my instagram or new blog wasn't living up to what a bloggers should be. Great read. Thanks ☺

  21. this is SO true! :) Loved reading this post

    Lilies and Lipbalm
