December 18, 2014

An Old Classic ♥

The Naked palettes seem to be an essential to everybodys makeup collection, it doesn't matter which palette but everyone seems to own one or have them on a wishlist! I'm no different, I have all 3 of the Naked palettes that I got as gifts over the years and I did adore them when I first got them but like always something new comes along so things are kind of thrown aside. Recently I re-discovered my Naked 3 palette. When this was released I remember drooling over it with my best friend because of the gorgeous packaging and the rose hued tones it contained. However when I actually got it I must have used it about twice and then thrown it to the side because the colours even though they're gorgeous weren't exactly what I wore and I found pinks to be hard to wear.
Like I said I have recently re-discovered it and noticed that it was definitely my least used out of all 3 and decided why not try to come up with a combination of a few of the shadows that will look nice so I could start using it. So putting on my thinking cap and swatching a few colours I decided to pair it
with my Pink Gold colour tattoo by Maybelline.

Starting with just an eyeshadow base on my lid I take a fluffy brush and just blend limit into my sockets and then apply the colour tattoo all over my lid and the crease. I just find that after blending limit into the crease before applying the colour tattoo just gives it more of a dimension. So once I've applied the colour tattoo and I'm happy with how it looks I'll take Nooner and again blend it into my crease but only half the way and then add some Black Heart to the outer v of my eye just to darken up the eye makeup. I'll then apply a mix of Nooner and Limit under my eye just to keep it looking smokey and ta-dah! I have been wearing this look for the past month and a bit I just love it. Even though it's Winter and normally makeup gets darker I just get bored of the same thing so switching it up to a more brighter eye look is refreshing although the Black Heart shadow does make it look smokey and dark so you definitely can still get away with it not looking to Summer-y. Keeping to my normal habits I'll add winged liner because I really do adore it and think it just finishes off eye makeup beautifully.
If you have this palette what shades do you use and pair together? Do let me know as once I find a combination of colours I like I don't seem to experiment!

What eye makeup have you been wearing lately?


  1. I've actually asked for this palette for Christmas! It is such a beautiful palette!

  2. The colours are so so gorgeous! :)

  3. I don't own this palette as much as I love the shades! It was such a good idea to pair it with the color tattoo, the shades looks much more vibrant :)

    Velvet Blush

  4. Great combination, the pigmentation is amazing! I have all 3 of the Naked palettes as well and I must say the Naked 3 is actually my favourite of them all!! X

  5. Such gorgeous shades - I can't take the plunge though as I'm not sure how much I'd use it. Very pretty and festive though :) xx

    Magpie Jasmine || GIVEAWAY!: Urban Decay/Nars/Charlotte Tilbury/Too Faced

    1. Totally understand, I think you'd have to really like wearing pinks on your eyes to enjoy it 100% x

  6. I use Nooner the most, but I have not found myself reaching for this palette lately, as I have been using my Naked 1 palette more.
