November 19, 2014

My Everyday Makeup Brushes ♥

I promise that someday when I want to feature my makeup brushes I use on this blog again they will be clean but today is not that day because I've just used them. So when I was thinking about what posts to write I realised that I've shown you which products I use for my everyday makeup as well as my night and no makeup days and decided why not show you the brushes I use to apply all of the products to my face!

So lets start with the base because well thats where you gotta start! Obviously I'll apply my primer with my fingers but after that I use
Bare Minerals max coverage concealer brush to apply my green neutralizer and blend it out.
Zoeva 142 concealer buffer to apply my concealer and blend that.
To apply my foundation I use the Real Techniques stippling brush, I haven't looked back since using this brush it works the product into your face flawlessly and just gives you such a perfect application. If you haven't tried this yet go get it honestly I have yet to find one I prefer over this one.
Zoeva 106 powder I've said before that this isn't exactly my favourite kind of powder brush but it's the only one I use due to it being the only 'powder' brush I have. I know you can use any brushes for anything you want but all of the ones I have are for certain things and none of them are powder. Someone please make me go out and buy the Real Techniques powder brush because I need it!

My favourite part of doing makeup is the eyes because I adore experimenting with colours! You'll notice I really like the Real Techniques and Zoeva brushes throughout this by the way!
Real Techniques Brow Brush obviously for my brows.
Real Techniques Deluxe Crease I use this to apply the base shadow on my lid as I find its the perfect size to just swoop across.
Real Techniques Base Shadow This is my favourite eye brush because it blends the products so beautifully and easily and I just adore it for applying product to my crease. 
Zoeva 231 Luxe petit crease Perfect shaped brush for applying product to the outer v of your eye and under your eye. 
Fuschia Blending Brush I use this just more so as a finishing brush to make sure everything is blended nicely and there are no harsh lines left.

Zoeva 127 Luxe Cheek This is my favourite Zoeva brush so far as it's perfect for applying bronzer and blush. If I'm going to contour my face I use this and if I'm applying blush I use this because it doesn't pick up too much product and is such a perfect shape to apply blush on the apples of your cheeks or to find your cheek bones when contouring.
Real Techniques Retractable Bronzer Brush I have only really started using this in the past 2 months and I must say it's perfect for adding a bit of warmth to your face. When I first got it I was scared to use it because I thought it was way to big but realistically it's the perfect size to apply your bronzer.

What brushes do you use to apply your makeup?


  1. Great post :D RT brushes are so adaptable to different tasks I love seeing how other people use theirs xx

    Jasmine // Magpie Jasmine

  2. Lovely post, i love real technique brushes x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

  3. You have some lovely brushes! I cant wait to try out some Zoeva ones!

    xprincessjas | ♥

    1. Definitely recommend them, they literally feel like silk they're so soft :') x

  4. The look really nice and clean haha, I want to get some better brushes, I just have a set from Sleek they do the job but I'd like to get some better ones soon! Abi :)

    1. I can definitely say they weren't aha :') Definitely recommend the Real Techniques ones as their cheap and brilliant quality x

  5. I use Real Techniques and Eco Tools brushes, I'd like to try some Zoeva ones some day xx

    Ioanna |

    1. Really want to try some Eco Tool ones are they any good? Definitely recommend Zoeva ones! x

  6. I love Real Techniques! But I have yet to try the RT eye brushes, so they're next on my list :)

    1. They're my favourite eye brushes, definitely worth picking up the set :) x

  7. Great post! Love the look of Zoeva brushes, they're on my wishlist!

    1. Thank you! They're amazing definitely worth trying out :) x
